Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Yasmin and facial hair?
Hi everyone. I've been on the Pill for a little over 5 years now. I started on Ortho, was on a few generics, went on Ortho Lo, and my doctor recently switched me to Yasmin. Since then, I've started noticing hairs on and under my chin. I don't think I've had this problem with the Pill before, unless I'm just noticing it now. I know Yaz is a different kind of hormone, but I didn't really expect much of a difference since I've been on the Pill for quite some time. Has anyone else noticed this when using Yaz?
New Years Eve Dress?
I am wearing a black dress that shows my back and in the front it come down in the middle almost to my belly on. It just coves my i will have black spiked heals the heal is silver and has silve on the shoe. My nail ans toes will be a red what do you tink? I need some jewlery does silve sound ok I have silver hoops for my ears should I get a lond necklace or short plee tell me what you think?
WWE DiVA.......!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i was thinkin about tryin out for Diva search, but when u really think about it, it IS hard work. So i aint. But u can always keep ur head up and work out n be strong and fit. That way when ur oppurtunity comes, u'll be ready and ur chances of being a diva will be high. Just be prepared. k. Good luck!
I want to visit Morocco for two weeks on $500 spending money (airfare paid for). Is this a Tangierble idea?
No these countries are not cheap now 500 US Dollars will give you 3,637 Morocco Dirhams , that's not enough for a holiday .Do you have to pay for accommodation and food from that money .Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear none of these holiday destinations are as cheap as they were a few years back.
Childd abusee?????????
1)children who are abused should be taken away from their parents because its a traumatic experience and will scar them for life. 2) abused children take their life experiences and try to make life better for their children.
"I support the troops, but I'm against the war" is most like?
G) I support the troops, but root for their failure because it hurts the presidents approval rating.
Do You Think The Republican National Convention Was Fair To Ron Paul?
The point should be how stupid to people feel when they listen to what Ron Paul predicted. I bet all those lazy fat morons who get the info from TV land don`t think its so funny now the banks are stealing all there pensions and savings by crashing the value of the $. To all the uneducated pumpkins go and listen to what Ron Paul said about the economy and foreign policy then look at the laughing smirking grinning buffoons make fun of what has now become fact
From a sycological standpoint why do men find womans backside arousig feces comes out of it you know?
some people spout feces out of their mouths, too, but i don't hear anyone complaining about kissing.
Baby Names. Help. BOY?
I don't care for the name Malcolm myself.I love your names though! Jack is one of my favorite names ever!!!! So cute! Adam is also great and I like William cuz you could call him Will:) I have 3 boys.Their names are Jacob (Jake),Brendan,& Jayson.I would not stand for my hubby telling me I have no say in naming my baby! Maybe use Malcolm for a middle name.Good Luck and be strong.Don't name your baby a name you are not completely in love with.
Is this what you voted for?
I think Jane Harmon has the expertise to deserve to head the Intelligence Committee. But don't panic about Alcee Hastings. He will not really be in a position to harm our national security. I think you know this, but are just trying to score political points here. Good luck!
Who captained the Enterprise better, Picard or Kirk?
I say Picard took more of a diplomatic approach while Kirk was more military "lets go kick their s".Close call.They were both great!
Baby Turtle in a 10 gal tank?
if it is still a baby a 10 gallon tank should be fine for awhile and many animals will only grow as big as their enclosure allows. we found a baby red ear slider when it was aproximately the size of a fifty cent coin piece and over about a four to five year period it grew to the size of abouta playing card, at this time that is the closest thing that comes to mind to give you a comparision. i am not familiar with the type of turtle you mentioned but lots of turtles like to have and area to get out of the water on, petco and petsmart have special turtle docs that you an buy for like 10 to 15 bucks depending on the size. and just try to give it a good variety of food that it eats. also if your tank dose not have a filter, it would be a good idea to invest in one, it is not necessary to have a filter but it helps tremendously, turtle water can get very dirty,stinky and just plain nasty very quickly and a filter helps out alot. recently i had a baby red ear slider that lived in one of those small i think 1.5 to 2 gallon goldfish or beta tanks and he/she did just fine, so i believe your 10 gallon tank is plenty big. hope i was able to help, goodluck with your turtle freind. mine is little turtly dude
Good ideas for a teen birthday party?
Well a themed dance party is fun. Just have really good music, DJ? good refreshments like a choclate fountain, make it fun. Also one year I had an American idol party were i set up a stage and everyone preformed a song, [individually or with a friend.] I had judges to judge them and the winnner got a prize. It was a time and everyone loveeed it ! : D
Why Did NATO Bombed Serbia?
As a former US Marine medic I was preparing to go into Bosnia on the ground Bill Clinton then president did not have the gall that it takes to fight the ground war that would have happened much like Iraq today. The fighting would be tougher because Bosnians would have fought harder than Iraquies. We were ready though. Instead we decided to utilize airpower to eliminate the supriority of the Serb. Tanks making it a more even fight for each side alowing Nato to step between the two fighting forces. Why step between? The world fears the spread of internal battles this is where WW I was began. Europe would not allow the fighting to continue for economic resons it was cheaper to blow up Serb forces insert Nato and put a stalemate to the the fighting there. I understand there has never been a elected leader of the country since that has not been asinated is that true.
How do I gain my parents trust back after losing it multiple times?
You sound like you want to change and i hope you can. talk to your parents. Really talk to them. Let them see you cry. Be real with them. It sounds to me like you might need some counseling to help you get over the hump and get your life back on track. If you show your parents that you really are trying this time, they might start to trust you again. It won't happen overnight and it will be hard work but it will be worth it in the long run.
When are the American people going to take our country back?
THIS IS OUR COUNTRY.... and the sbag politicans have screwed it up for everyone!!!! WE all sit and argue and bicker, continual finger point and blame games while they the dirty politicans are laughing all the way to the bank with our money... don't you see what's happening? Th eold divide and conquer strategy, some day will come when WE THE PEOPLE will all be back on the same page, hopefully before it's to late to once again rebuild of country and live free....without any of this BULLSH$T
Does anyone else feel this way about music?
I'm surprised you want to bring back 80s rock ... Bowie sucked in the 80s along with countless other big ones ( like Reed)
What is this song talking about?!?!?
ok, so my brother posted this video on facebook because it was so funny, and im trying to figure out what this song is talking about. its all in Finnish, and i cant find the lyrics cuz i dont know what its called! I would put it in google translate, but i cant find out the exact words. other than that, this video will make u pee ur pants!!!
Timing settings for a 99 dodge caravan?
i need to put my van back in time i see the arrows and the notches for the cams and on the harmonic balance if i line those up and put the belt on will it be in time?? also i haven't been able to find a diagram online to find out if this is what i need to do thanks for your time
What is the difference between confidence,arrogance and self esteem?
If someone has low confidence what does it mean does it mean that they believe they can't carry out a certain task?.Can we be seen confident without being called arrogant,i really believe that arrogance is the new confident,let me explain:ok when we see someone who has been deemed as being confident what we see is someone who has tramped all over everyone to get to where they are,but surely this is what arrogance comes under;bringing people down,not listening to others views.Confidence i believe is when your believe in yourself that you can achieve something but to get to the top you need to tramp on alot of people just to achieve your goal in some circamstances for example social situations when someone will say something against you but it will be quite harshly said and when people view someone saying something nasty to you they think its confidence its wrong it isn't confidence its arrogance.Oww and what is self esteem in your own context is it how you see yourself?
How did haven start i need lots of info?
help i nned to know lots about haven ive looked on the site but it dont show no background i need to know how it started abd lots of useful info its the park Haven.
I need SEO Job part time or full time for an affordable price..?
Anyone can give me seo or linkbuilding job. I offer cheap but guaranteed prices. Email me on renanorola@yahoo.com
What is the best farming method to get maximum profit in Farmville?
you get more coins per crop the higher up you go, and also the longer they grow (2 days, 3 days are going to give you more money than the one day gs or the 4 hour blueberries). But it's good to have the experience points you get from turning over the ground more often. I plant a variety, not all the same thing. Get some melons growing there, and you will get a return on your investment, but save some space for the berries too. Eggplant is about the best, because you can get to be a "master" on all 3 levels without too much time/plants, and then you will get coins and XP (experience points) galore every time you master all 3 levels of a crop. When you scroll over the seed boxes in the market pages, you can see how many more you need to go in each one to master the next level.
What is the name of the product in a green gl bottle that cleans your system out?
they sell it at pharmacies and a person ussually needs to take it prior to drinking that jug of stuff before getting a colonoscopy. Does anyone know the name of it? It taste kind of like gross sprite
Over weight teen advice please?
Okay so i am a 16 year old female im about 5 feet 6 inches and i weigh around 300lbs...yes i know i am severly overweight... and i finally want to do somthing about it..my dream weight is at least 160 i know it still may be overwight but its better then 300lbs...but for starters i want to get to at least 230 and slowly go down just please give me advice on what to do perferably IF YOU ARE JUST LIKE ME OR WERE AND HAVE LOST THE WEIGHT PLEASE LET ME KNOW AND LEAVE A LINK TO BEFORE AN AFTER PICS PLEASE! that will help me out knowing yall did it too. so advice please!!!!
I Wrote This For My Creative Writing Cl, Is It Good?
I think it's pretty darn creative. Your images, the way you develop the 'life' of the piece, the sense of unfolding, of becoming, the suspense. I'd say finish it too. Good job I'd say.
Jamaica 24 hr. waiting period legality?
I got married in Jamaica in 2004 at Breezes in Runaway Bay. It was all set up beforehand. Cirstances at home delayed our arrival until the day of the ceremony. The wedding coordinators said they would make it look like we arrived earlier ( to cover the 24 hr waiting period) we were on the island about 3 hours, then got married. We received all the certificates and all related. ...My question is . Am I "legally " married ? since we didn`t wait 24 hours.
A personal survey about you.....?
Last week I had a concert with a group of students, we played Golden Brown (It's what the teacher gives us) and I wasn't nervous at all
Should we congragulate FL on winning the College Football National Championship?
they started today 40 points behind texas in the bcs standings so we have to wait to see if they jump ahead of texas first before we put them in title game
Monday, December 19, 2011
What is the difference between light bleeding and heavy bleeding??
While it is common to have spotting and light bleeding in early pregnancy, you should still report anything to your doctor or midwife immediately just so they will be aware.
Is it important to say yes to good and no to bad?
Its just that no is no and no one who knows no should know that no means no. And yes, yes is yes and best bet yeses get the best yes yet.
What would the taxable amount of these benefits be?
A married couple received $10,000 of social security benefits. Calculate the taxable amount of those benefits if the couple's provisional income is: (a) $20,000, (b) $41,000, and (c) $63,000.
Behavior in my parot(it's a caique).?
caiques are a TRUE parrot and like most they have mood swings. I used to handfeed these babies when I worked at a bird store and even before weaning they had these swings. They would also randomly choose a different 'favorite' person every so often. They are fun little birds but I doubt there is anything you can do to avoid an occasional mood swing. It is good that you have learned to tell when he is in this mood so you can avoid getting bit.
Tell A Girl I Like You,"Shakesphere Style?"?
Im in 5th grade and I like this one girl in my cl she sits right in front of me. We both are the 2 smarties in the cl. She uasally asks me question about stuff and i tell the ansewers. We both like Harry Potter and occasinally talk about that. i told her friend that i like the girlbut she acindenly blurted it out to the girl . We are going on a field trip for the smart people in a few weeks and i was planing to tell her then in san fran. I want to tell her in a shaesphere way. Plz help?!? Note: her friend said the girl like someelse at a diffent school but i think the girl likes me to and we are sort of friends
Car stolen, compensation for upgrades?
I wouldn't tell them about performance upgrades if you have not already reported them. Most insurance companies have a clause in their policy (which you should have read and signed) which exempts them from paying for an accident or vehicle that has been fraudulently misrepresented to them. They wont pay for the upgrade, could fine or charge you with fraud, and could even refuse to pay for the car, all depending on your specific policy and company.
About el camino college (dance)?
is there lyk a dance studio or a basketball court we could use to practice at? if so when are their open hours? but we dont really wanna bother neone lyk playing bball or w.e so yeah
Im in 8th grade and i reallyyy like this guy...HELP ME PLEASEEE!!!!?
Smile at him, try to start a conversation. If you're the one to start talking to him, he'll probably know that you're into him.
Why must people do this?
Because they are stupid. A purebred or mutt type dog is quite satisfactory for normal people, but they have to be different. When the different/novelty wears off the poor little doggies will end up in the rescue centre along with lots of other poor animals who have been overbred, ill treated or chucked out to exist on the streets.
Need help on printer...?
i need to install my lexmark printer to my laptop but then i lost the installment disk..does someone know how to install it without the disk? please help. thanks
After Ovulation Question ?
I took clomid 5-9 50mg this cycle and im pretty sure i ovulated on cycle day 14 because i had clear wet cm starting on cycle day 11.and had ovulation twinges on 14.Now I am currently 4dpo and having a bloated feeling with creamy white cm.with sore ,heartburn.
Which breed of dog is best for my family?
Finnish spitz are a very talkative breed. They bark A LOT and I mean A LOT. It is a breed characteristic, they are a wandering breed and will not suit you at all. The problem is, it is absolutely ridiculous to believe that a dog will stay in an unfenced yard. All dogs will wander at least a little bit.
I need help with different dinners?
I'm trying to do something my sister in law told me to do and that's make a menu of dinners for the week. I am having a problem with that because I have not a clue what dinners to make. I have a few thing like meat and gravy with egg noodles, tacos, ham dinner with green bean c., stuffing and mashed potatoes. What are some good dinners that wont break our budget and aren't fancy nasty things. Just some simple family dinners. Please I need your help.
Baby name list? which name is good & which is not?
I like garrett cooper or cooper vance .... but how about lavelle james that would be nice too.... I am a mother of 4 kids and none of them are named the names I had picked out... looking at them after they are born you just kind of look at them and name them a name that fits the face...
What is the best medical job?
This question just makes me so indecisive. But I really have to find out, what is the best medical job that takes a decent amount of education, a short amount of work hours, and a well-paying income? I would rather do something other than dentistry because I want to do something different from my older brother. Physicians just takes up so much time from their actual life and so much education. What would you recommend?
Who is your Favorite President?
So my favorite president is the president of my book club. She is the most beautiful girl i know and i only joined the book club and learned how to read because of this girl. Anyway Friday I decided to make my move, so i went up to her and said, "do you like Mark Twain?" because my name is Mark Twain. And she said yes, and then she winked. I was so pleased that i forgot i still had my chocolate milk from lunch and i dropped it and it spilled all over her shirt. She ran away crying. Do you think she likes me? I tried to call and apologize yesterday, but her dad said she couldn't talk to me.
Can a cisco switch send a syslog via email without 3rd party software? ie straight from the device?
No, you will need a syslog server to receive the messages from the Cisco. There are some free ones out there that you can use. I like WallWatcher personally.
Don't you hate it when....???
your master pulls too harshly on your leash and it chokes you... a little feels good... but a lot kinda hurts...
FFL Roster Help. Please pick 2.?
I would take a chance with Addai and Marshall. Addai is getting goal line work and NE isn't exactly the best defense out there. Marshall is the best offensive player for Denver. They will get him the ball.
How to develope agriculture in LDC?
What are some ways that the less developed countries could increase food production to levels where their populations would be freed from the land so that they could begin to develop economically (by directly increasing agricultural production). Please keep in mind the severe economic constraints that the LDCs are under because of limited economic resources. (Please leave out population control and the availability of foreign aid.)
Geforce 8300 can it run games ?
ok i want to buy geforce 8300 for my pc can it runs games like need for speed undercover and grid and tomb raider underworld on high resolutions ?
My cat's abscess returned?
About a week ago, I posted a question about my kitten's abscess and fever. As suggested by the YA community, I took her to the vet and they treated her. She was released in 2 days and I was instructed to give her 1/2 ml of Clavamox by mouth twice a day for 10 days and 0.05 ml of Buprinex into the oral cavity twice a day for the next 3 days. When I brought her home, one of her drainage holes was still leaking a little pus so I used some warm compresses and wiped it up. She's been home for two days and the hole is closed but now it seems that her abscess has returned. I still have enough Buprinex for 1 day and Clavamox for 8 days. Should I keep giving her the meds as instructed or should I call the vet about this? The vet fees are expensive so I'm hoping to avoid another visit.
What does HCL(aq) do in the hydrolysis of starch in organic chemistry?
Just curious, I know generally that it breaks the bonds of the saccharides and allow H2O to stabilize the di-saccharides but how does it do this, chemically?
Is there any way to install an operating system, without an external device such as USB, DVD, CD, or etc.?
Ok, I have a slightly old comp. but, its ok...but, i have windows ME which is out dated and obsolete because not many things work on it any more......i know stuff like XP will work on it cause ive had it on here before, it just got deleted the last time i got this damn comp. fixed but, anyways........i don't have a cd, or dvd at the moment and i was wondering if there was anyways that i can install something like, ubuntu a version of linux onto my computer without an external device. or is it impossible? i really, kinda wanna replace Windows ME cause it kinda sucks........so if u have any suggestions other than that thatll work to do yea...
Mac or windows? Who came out with this feature first?
The option to sleep on Macs or stand by on Windows. It kind of makes screen savers obsolete, don't you think? Anyway, I was interested in who thought of this feature first Macs or Windows? I figured Macs because they got the name "Sleep" which sounds a lot better than "Stand by" in the same way that Macs had "Trash Can" so Windows had to call theirs "Recycle Bin." Anybody who knows, feel free to share the knowledge! Thanks :)
What are some reasons that the United States should have joined WWI sooner? Thank you!?
I'm writing a paper and my prompt is "Should the United States have joined the war earlier?". I decided that we should have because I think we should have respond to the sinking of the Lusitania right away and we didn't.. so please help me- I have nothing else for my essay!! I need details about why we should have.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Is it possible to travel overland from Mexico to Peru?
I'd really like to hear from someone who has done this or tried to do something like this. Or if you live in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Belize, El Salvador, Colombia, Ecuador or Peru.
How would Cons feel if the intervention in Libya turns out to be successful, short and relatively cheap ?
Just like the short relatively cheap intervention in Bosnia, which also happened to be lead by a Democrat.
Does any one have my problem?or is it just me?
I have trouble letting go of my past not the people but the feelings i had experienced with or near them.For example my middle school best friends gave me a feeling of independence and joy i can still remember the good feeling fun feeling .Also some of the smallest like holding hands not just boyfriends but greetings handshakes and hugs i remember they don't go away its been a long time even childhood dreams and hideouts .They just don't disappear is it normal or what some people meet someone and completely forget the next day who they ever were..........???
What is the zip/postal code of Taiwan?
Recently I would like to join the Yahoo "personals" But I always fail at this part. And none of my friends can give me the correct answer! Anybody can help me with the problem? *-*
EMP (Solar flare ) question?
I was wondering whether an emp or solar flare can only destroy sensitive equipment if the electronic equipment is in use or on? I was reading an article on msnbc.com about solar flares and how NASA has just developed a new software program that will help pinpoint where the most damage on the earth will take place.
Toxoplasmosis and pregnancy?
You will not get it from feeding or petting cats, only if you were scooping their liter or touching their fecal matter. I am sure you will be fine. If you are really concerned about this ask your doctor. Some women have no choice but to scoop the cat box while pregnant. If this is the case wear disposable gloves and a first aid mask (that covers the nose and mouth), making sure to wash hands afterwards.
Could I qualify for medicinal THC?
Give it a shot. You never know. Marijuana definitely helps you sleep, and can be a lot safer, and less addictive than many sleeping pills.
My landlord is frauding centrelink and withholding my bond money, help?
About a month ago I found a guys apartment to move into, he is the owner and I am renting a room. He is on a disability pension. Anyway, he asked me to move in and I said yes. He asked me not to tell centrelink that I am moving there as he doesn't want them to know he claims rent and want it to affect his payment. I am a student and require rental istance so I just put my postal address as my parents address, however centrelink mistakenly sent me my health care card and he found out and is pressuring me to change my address. I am scared of him, I had a lease agreement which we both signed in which I put in my desk my drawer in my room. The other day the drawer fell apart, he offered to glue it back together... When I got home after 2 nights at my boyfriends apartment, I realised the rental agreement was gone, this is what I would have used to tell centrelink that I am living there to claim my rent istance. My dad called him and he has agreed to let me move out with 2 weeks penalty, however I never gave my dad the consent to make this agreement. I am wondering, what should I do? Should I consult a lawyer? If I take the rent he is offering, will I still have claim to the 2 weeks, which I don't agree with as what he is doing is clearly illegal (I studied a law cl in university, any illegal or fraudulent contractual agreements are void, so I have every right to tell centrelink that I live there). Anyway, how do I obtain my money? I have no proof as he stole my rental agreement. I am too scared of him to ask for it, as he might know what I am going to do and refuse to give me any money. I have no family in this city and there is no way in hell I am able to obtain another 4 weeks rent for a bond out of no where, so I am in a very tough position. Can someone please give me advice? Australian Law - more specifically Victoria.
Where have you successfully met someone online (Free Sites Only)?
Craigslist.org? Findiit.org? Yahoo Personals.com? Trying to see where the most successful relationships have been.
I can't download (or save any images) anything onto firefox. (image of error included)?
If you have it set to update automatically it probably has but has gone wrong (happens frequently with firefox now) Give up on Firefox until its fixed there are currently just too many problems to rate it as a reliable piece of software. Try Orca, K-Meleon or Flock they are all free Mozilla based browsers and are all faster than Firefox. They have been produced by people who agree the Mozilla search engine is best but that firefox has gone wrong somewhere. If you go to firefox help pages or Mozillazine help pages you will see that the people there are extremely arrogant and blame everything and everybody for having problems with Firefox. Not a good sign. IE8 is OK with a shell like Avant or Maxthon or slim browser. But a browser that is not part of the OS will always be more secure. the less well known it is the less likely it will be hacked.
Buying a dog that is not on a deworming regimen?
So I went through AKC to find a Yorkie. I have been talking to this lady and I'm going up to see the dog this Saturday. She says she doesn't deworm her puppies because she doesn't want to "poison them" (her words not mine). However she does do stool samples. I just want to know if this should be something to consider if I buy him. Don't get me wrong, if I buy him I WILL start him on a deworming regimen. I just want to know if I buy, will the fact he hasn't been on a deworming regimen will cause problems. I just want to start off with a healthy dog.
What is the most common masturbation lubricant?
People say that for a teenage boy the most common is saliva... because you can get it no matter where you are..... but that sounds really sick to me what is your opinion?
How many uT units of exposure does it take to cause cancer?
The microwave in my kitchen measured off the chart. The carbon monoxide detector, the alarms and the microwave together makes me shudder. What is the cell damage rate of whatever is measured in uT's? ( I am using the MEL-8704 Electromagnetic Field Radiation Tester. (it's for ghost hunting, lol)
Am I just being WAAAY to paranoid?
Okay so I have been with my boyfriend for little over a year. We went out for like a month then broke up for some dumb reason then we started going back out a few months later. Im 20 and he's 23. We bicker like crazy but never have had one serious fight. He means so much to me and he is nothing but good to me. I'm actually the first person he has ever said "I love you" too and he didnt say it until a month ago so obviously he means it and he isnt trying to use it just to use me or anything. But the thing is he has had with quite a number of girls before me and only had one serious relationship (which he never told her he loved her either) and before me the last time he had was a over a year before we did. But I get soo soo scared that he is going to cheat on me. He has this new job where he goes to diffrent colleges over the country for weeks at a time and I get so extremely scared that he may be hooking up with other girls while he is out there? Am I paranoid or what can I do?
Anyone ever eat chips ahoy chew cookies?
i just did and its the nasty thing ive ever eatin in my 17 years of livin on this planet its horrible i cant get the taste out of my mind this is random but it so bad i gotta tell some1 anyone think the same?
Now aren't these better ways of increasing scoring in the nhl? not bigger nets.?
take a look at these ideas, particularly no. 8 and 4. Keep in mind that Brett Hull knows what he's talking about, afterall he did score 70 back to back goal seasons, including 86 goals in one season.http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/news/story?id=1728310 (bigger nets?im not for it, but im all for offense, just take alook at the lightning and flames 9-6 or the 9-5 score between colorado and st. louis, those were pretty exciting, back and fourth scoring games.( and they haven't even considered reducing the size of the goalie eqipment)
UK readers - what do you think of Mandelson's return?
Do Labour under Gordon Brown seriously think that bringing a twice disgraced sleaze merchant like him back into the cabinet going to revive their party and give them a chance at the next election? In my opinion, this is just another nail in the coffin of a party that seems Hell bent on committing political suicide. Do they really think that we the voting public are so stupid and gullible that we will already have forgotten that this man was twice sacked for dishonesty and was lucky not to end up in jail?
Help with Algebra I...................?
to say the absolute value of a number is less than a positive number k, means that it is closer to zero than k is. all the positive (and negative) real numbers closer to zero than k is, is a connected set-you can conjoin the negative ones and the positive ones together by zero, making one long strip of numbers. if |x|>k, the numbers farther from zero than k is, have a "hole" in the middle (namely the strip described by the first conjunction). that is why you need 2 statements: one for the numbers further and left from zero than k (these are the negative ones), and one for the numbers further from zero than k is, and to the right of zero (positive).
Club Pogo question........?
So I just won a three month membership from the Subway Game (online), and I'm already sign up and everything. I have like 30,000 coins what am I supposed to do with them. And what is Club Pogo about, has any one else won this three month membership maybe some help here!!!
My cat's eye looks weird?
my cat's right eye was directed toward the right this morning and the white membrane on the inside corner of his eye was covering at least half of it. then suddenly it looked better. he isn't being as social as usual and now he is keeping his eye closed, and there is drainage - what could be wrong?
Has anyone had all their music downloads hijacked by Windows Media Player and put into ridiculous playlists?
windows media player does not move your music files. It simply uses them from where ever you directed them to be stored. It did the same thing to me, and I hated it as well. It took me weeks to reorganize the music into a way that made sense to my brain. The only solution I could come up with was to uninstall version 11 and reinstall version 10.
Is it possible to get a sugar glider to be awake during the day and sleep at nite?
i think im going to get 2 sugar gliders but i want to be able to play with them during the day. are they like hamsters how u can play with them during the day even tho there nocturnal or do they just sleep all day and only play at night. i never use the lights in my room and its always dark so could they think its night when its actualy day. and is it ok to wake them up when there sleeping or would that make them hate u
Will the O-bots forgive Joseph Biden his harsh words for their messiah Obama several months ago?
Isnt that some kind of heresy? Does it still anger them or is he all of the sudden "a great pick" now?
Poll: Sensual.. Move making...Or down-right dirty ?
Well why cant one partake of both 1 & 2? There are occasions that 1 would be appropriate. But when the time arrives for 2 Its ricochet Rabbit time.
My friend says she likes me but somethings off (girls only)?
ok so my friend has a boyfriend and they've been going out for about two weeks now. Well we used to have feelings for eachother and theyve been on and off since we dated which was about 4 months ago. I went over to her house alone a few days ago and we had the house to ourselves and we didnt really do anything serious, we didnt even kiss, we just had fun and cuddled a little. Well after, she texted me saying that when shes alone with me, she doubts her feelings for her boyfriend and all her feelings come rushing back to her. I thought wow this is a suprise so we started acting like we were gunna hook up, flirting almost all the time and all that love stuff you know how it goes. She said she was so confused about how she felt about me so i said we should just kiss. i mean i didnt think anything bad of it, it would help clarify her feelings for me and her boyfriend. So on saturday, her parents left for awhile and i rushed over and we hung out and i ended up feeling her up and making out and all that. She said she would let me take away her virginity and im thinking, well this is in the bag, shes mine again. So then i had to leave before the parents show and a few minutes later were texting again. She asked how i felt about her and i told her that i thought that what we had was re-ignited so to speak and that i really wanna be with her again. Now heres the thing. She said she liked me too. However, she said she liked me enough to tell me that she does, but not enough to break up with her boyfriend. And she said she meant everything she said even the part but im sitting there thinking what the hell is that? You like me enough to let me go all the way with you when you wont let your boyfriend, and yet you dont like me enough to dump him? how does that work? i mean for the boyfriends sake thats pretty sad that your girlfriend wants another guy to **** her but not you but she'll stay with you. That must make you feel great. And on both me and my friend, shes not being fair to any of us and im sitting her wondering what the hell she means by all this. Can anyone tell me what might be going through her mind? Im confused as hell right now.
Who do you think is the weakest BCS conference in college football(besides Big East)?
The Acc with Miami and FSU being down is a really awful conference. Being a Big Ten guy, I know we've definitely got something to prove after the OSU, UM debacles in the bowls last year (but I think we're up to it). Pac -10 outside of USC looks very weak, but my Michigan boys play Oregon this year, so I guess we'll find out on that one. The Big 12 north is Nebraska all by itself basically.
Can shingles (the bumps) appear only externally or can it appear internally as well?
Been diagnosed with shingles...feeling horrible pain. But still no sign of exterior bumps. How come?
Help im dating a guy from el salvador.....?
ok so im dating a guy from el salvador for 1 yr and i think he thinks im like his wife or something but i know that there way of living is very diffrent then ours!so do they think it means when they think there married??
Can anyone recommend a cello teacher in San Francisco (Sunset district)?
My daughter is 13 years old. She knows how to play piano, and she ped the grade 5 theory exam of ABRSM. She loves to play piano and for some reasons, she also wants to learn to play cello. She knows absolutely nothing about playing the cello. So, any reccomandation for a Cello Teacher in the Sunset district? She also understands Chinese (cantonese and Maderine), a Chinese teacher will be OK too.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Small ovaries = bad news?
I had the first appointment with a fertility specialist today. Previous tests all looked fine - HSG, blood levels, etc. After reviewing all the records and paperwork she seemed optimistic. She did an ultrasound and casually mentioned that my ovaries were not as big as she would like to see and that I didn't have as many eggs/follicles as she would like. So I have been reading online all about small ovaries and am now concerned that this may be a big problem. Does anyone else know about the impacts of small ovaries??
Have u ever met someone who can see the Past clearly in his subconscious or something like that ?
i m a science graduate and living in modern city from india ie. Delhi...i had to go to a godman in the country side...there was a huge crowd that had gathered there in his temple.. the godman in front of my eyes solved all there problems like telling people where there lost child is living...what is happening currently in there home...a poor couple had come to him to ask where there Gold ring has misplaced and he told them that it has fallen somewhere behind the Almirah telling them exact location in there house, as if he was currently right in that place.........How did he do that ?
Was Mark Twain a Scientist?
Mark Twain was an American humorist,satirist, lecturer and writer.He was known for his Quotations and Novels.
Health care plan an option?
Don't you dare say we don't have a right to express our concerns at a town hall meeting. Communist mindset.
Saab defrost / Heater / AC not working correctly?
The air will not blow out of the defrost or at my feet. Not matter what I put the control on, the air will only blow out at my face. What needs to be fixed?
Tony Jaa vs. Bruce Lee?
In a real fight not in a movie who would win? Im guessing most of you will vote for Bruce Lee so if he wins would it be an easy fight or would Tony hold his own?
You're saying you wouldn't feel even the slightest twinge of jealously if someone flirted with your partner?
thats why i simply cant handle having a boyfriend. i give up on having a boyfriend. because i simply am unable to handle flirting. i get so insanely jealous. i wont allow my boyfriend to so much as look at another girl. and i realize that this is just not feasible. so i give up.
Im so confused! PLEASE can somebody explain???????????
NEVER dip your pen into company ink - It is never a good idea to jeopardize your job by dating a co worker. It never ends good... Think of all the bad things you would experience if you were to break up... Or he was to be fired because of your relationship... Most companies have rules that there is no fraternization among employees, and its for a reason. It always interferes with the job at hand.... Why else would he be stroking your phone? Its already interrupted your work environment.... I would say to keep it friends...somehow I don't feel this is what you wanted to hear...Sorry :<(
Was ronald reagan the worst m murdering dictator in the history of the world?
he started aids. he gave guns to the ghettos so innocent black babies would be shot. he wanted to reinstate slavery. he worshiped the devil (just appears that way). he spent more money than obama ( the savior of the world.) on fighting drugs that grow naturally. i want an honest opinion on what his chances are in a thousand years of being looked at as the most ruthless criminal m murderer the world has ever seen.
There are other UNIVERSE - why cant there be other then ours ?
She is in a group that is speculating. It will be a long time to either prove or disprove the facts of the theory. Note, the void or hole that was discovered is only 8 billion light years from us, so under that theory, we are only 8 billion light years from the edge of the Universe. Note further, this hole is only 25-45 percent less dense than most of other space.
What's the name of this hairstyle?
Sorry but that looks awful, this will not attract girls? I don't think it has a name i think it's just someone's own style of geling.
How would you react if the Super Bowl was the Battle of the Bay. The Oakland Raiders vs. The San Fran 49ers?
Two teams that are bound to be playoff contenders this year. How exactly would you react if these teams played in the 2008/2009 Super Bowl?
What is your sun sign anddddddddddddddddddd?
I've been to France and England on a summer school trip and now that I think about France does have the attributes that a Leo would have lol. I had a great time there and LOTS of fun :)
My period will not stop because of birth control?
i was on seasonique for about a month, and one day i accidentally forgot to take my pill, so i did as i was told and took 2 at the regular time the next day. That day, i started my period and was on it for 5 weeks straight! At that point, i was extremely fed up and decided to stop taking it all together. My period continued for about 3-4 days after i stopped taking the pills. I waited for about a month and a half and decided i needed to get back on birth control. So i went to the clinic and they gave me a prescription of a different type of birth control pills. The day after i took the first pill, my period started again. It's been going for 2 weeks straight now and this is really pissing me off!! I haven't forgot to take any pills, i've been taking them at the right time each day, i'm not sick, i'm not on any other medication, i'm a healthy 17 year old. I don't know what to do at this point. The clinic isn't open on weekends and i don't have good insurance, so i don't want to go to the doctor because then i would have to pay for an expensive consultation. Does anybody have any advice as to what i should do? I'm thinking about stopping birth control all together again, because all i want right now is for my period to stop.
We have 1 one-year old pointer and are considering getting a second puppy. Insight needed .... 2 dogs or 1?!?
Well I dnt kno much about German pointers but I say google they're relationships with small children. I have a toy poodle & we didn't find out that he isn't good with children until he started biting my 6 yr old sister & he even bit my neighbor's son & my cousin! He's a great dog but he just understands kids are unpredictable & they can hurt him! We still have him but we just make sure my sister doesn't rough house him!
Now that its superbowl time I was thinking back to superbowl 42.?
Do you think by chance from an objective standpoint the game was fixed at all? I was neither a fan of either teams but somethings seemed fishy there. Wether it be the referees/ the faulty clock crew, some fishy play calls. I dont know if someone was being paid off or what but something in that game between NE and Ny did not seem right. Always thought of this superbowl season just made me think of it. What is your guys thoughts?
Do you believe there is hope for a united humanist movement?
Well, it really depends. Women might be all for it, especially since they want to be equal. Feminists will probably like it too, but maybe not. (The whole "woman can do it on their own without men's help" thing. I don't mean they're entirely dependent on males, by the way.) Uh, you may encounter some problems when it comes to men. First off, they won't WANT women to have equal rights. They say men are better. If you ask me, it's because they're scared they won't be more powerful than them, and lose a sense of control. But my opinion doesn't count here. Then there's the fact that certain men don't like accepting help from others, even other men. They don't want to be dependent on anyone. So, if you can convince two genders to work together and set aside their differences, then yes, it has hope. If not, sorry, but it's not likely to happen. Ever.
R.I.P James 'The Rev' Sullivan.. Ive A Few Questions To Ask..=/?
I was just a s shocked to see it scrolling on the bottom of the screen on CNN this morning! The only questions I can answer for you is that they didn't find out a cause of death. They say autopsy reports were inconclusive. He and Leana were married according to Wikipedia.
Cavemen...HELP? need more info?
my group and i need information about where cavemen lived... we need more information. Cause we have to write a page on it. HELP...
How likely would you be to answer this personals ad?
Oh this basement is the best. I like it so much I am here all the time. Won't you come join me? The couch is so comfy and I sit here for hours in my undershirt channel surfing. Usually I find nice surprises between the rolls of fat that swell out beneath my undershirt. Like one time I found a dorito in there. If you were with me, you could have it all for yourself! Actually I lied, none of that is true. Ok, now that i lowered your expectations you're going to like me even better! I'm guessing...
Whats wrong with my fantasy baseball team..im in 7th of 11 and i need advice?
Weak pitching Staff, real weak, Lackey stinking it up, Marrow doing nothing, and Price walking every batter, that needs improvment, Chris Davis needs to be benched or dropped, no matter whats available in Free agency, he's doing nothing, leads baseball in K's, he stinks. You have too many guys really good, that the rest team sucks. I had the same problem i made 6 trades, got my team from 10th to currently 1st. Trade Stars get 2 solid players, otherwise no hope.
What already existing animal would this combination of animals equal?
A giraffe, a bear, and a ferret together. What animal (that is already in existence) do you think they would make combined?
Skate Blade?
I have always had Coronation Ace blades and mine always had a groove in them. I'm not for sure if it would affect your skating. It might affect your edges and stuff, but I'm not sure.
How to creat good picture quality videos but smaller in size,(small in terms of kbs and mbs)?
I am a mac user, using imovies. while writing this question i am experimenting with imovies for accuracy of information. I imported a 285kb photo in time line and created a 4 sec movie without music. now cliked file>share>quicktime and in drop down menu,if email, web or web streaming, estimated size is 124kbs to 350kbs, if burn cd-rom size can be 498kb to 750kbs, but if full quality DV size is 18mbs. Now imagine when importing video from a tape or movie camera. So i am trying to find out a software or any other way, using which i can create good quality videos of longer length and smaller size. lot of youtube videos are very good quality, how are these made so good in small size.
Chris Jericho is overrated. Anyone else agree?
Before any of you say that I'm a hater, I'm actually not. I just find him overrated, especially by his fans. The WWE and his fans make Jericho out to be like he's some kind of threat and that he is just pure greatness, when in reality he's not. When was the last time Jericho even had a decent match with someone? I sure can't remember. People say Jericho is the best at what he does. Best at what? Losing? I honestly cannot see how people can be so crazy over him when he's not even as good as he used to be. If Jericho is so great why is he in the midcard, why did have the championship for a few weeks, and why hasn't he enteratined me and many other people since 2004?
What do you think?
You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', '', and 'Colon'.
My night cramps cause my muscles to "hurt" throughout the day?
it sounds to me like a trapped nerve maybe early set sciatica like i say to alot of people if it gives you pain long term go see your doctor ffs
Why do you want your lawn to look clean, neat, and beautiful?
(I really can't figure out why it is so important to me, but admittedly it is important to me. Why do feel that way or not feel that way?)
Do moms tret sons lik babys evan whan there groan up an dauter lik adults im 13 an my mom is always on my?
cas shes alwys yeling at me an a girl i no tol me that its tru evan whan boys grow up to be men it doesnt mater if there married an hav children she sad that a dauter wil learn to tak to her mom but a boy never lerns she sad that somtims her mom an granma trat her fater lik a litle boy evan thou hes got a good job hes a cop an he didnt evan get a say whan they bout there new car
Where can i buy cheap fireworks?
asda sells them cheap. and places like tescoo. they have lots fo fireworks and most of them for under �50. uyou can proberly get two for that :) xx
I wanna ask out this girl?
except im not out of the closet yet:( and i have no intention of coming out any time soon. but theres this girl and shes really pretty and ive never talked to her before in my life. so i wanna get to know her before i ask her out, but i dont want to just go up to her and be like hey whats up cause thats weird and creepy ha. so how should i go about thiss ?
Friday, December 16, 2011
What are 2 geographical factors in the WWI that caused death and was costly?
The English Channel caused a lot of death, but it also protected Britain from being conquered. The Pacific Ocean caused a lot of death too, because amphibious landings are casualty-high missions.
Question on twins livin together.?
i have a twin bro who is male model / Zac Efron hott, we have our own apt. and watch together. and i wanna masturbate with him but don know how to get there.. we walk around all the time or in our boxers and i c him play wit himself and we joke bout stuff all the time but we never did anything... wat should i do??
Thoughts on Harry Potter?
I have a board game that's Harry Potter Clue. :) We play with the character and I'm always Luna. She's just so eccentric and awesome. She's also very pretty. We discuss Harry Potter and insists that our Hogwarts letters are just delayed. I'm still waiting. :D Harry Potter is so much better than Twilight. Go Team Harry Potter!
Did you guys know that some of the holidays that you Celebrate are actually from Pagan Customs?
If you look in the encyclopedia you'll see information you never knew like how Jesus wasn't born on Chirstmas, and how the putting candles on a birthday cake and blowing them out is actually from a pagan custom. Even other holidays you never knew has some pagan custom in it. Man the encyclopdia has some interesting information.
How far does the car travel?
An automobile has tires with a 25 inch diameter. The automobile accelerates at a constant rate so the tires turn from 0 to 50 radians/minute over the time interval of 3 minutes. How far did the car travel over the 3 minute interval?
GUYS. what kind of a dress sense do you like in a girl?
1 or 5, i admire a woman who tends to show how much she cares of her looks. normally these girls are clean-cut and i respect that.
Is Adobe/Macromedia Director obsolete now? If so what is the equivalent product(s)?
I’m needing a decent application to create interactive CDs and DVDs etc. I know they still sell it but it seems to being pushed out of the suites by other applications now.
My career options, advice would be great?
I have always wanted to work with Orcas and I would love to do Zoology at University. I am at college now so i need to start sorting out my future. However, I don't have the money to travel to the University needed to do this course as my mother has left me and dad pretty much screwed. Does anyone know of any open universities which do zoology? I live in Devon, England. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Full versions of games online?
I want to play Virtual Villagers but i don't want to download it and anyplace that i find it online its a trial version. Do you know anyplace that I can play it fully?
I'm considering cold-fusion hair extensions?
Cold Fusion Hair Extensions, such as Great Lengths Hair Extensions and HairDreams Hair Extensions, are some of the best hair extensions in the world. I highly recommend you check them out. They are much better than glue in extensions
First Plane ride- scared to death of vomiting!?
If you are that sensitive to motion then prepare to throw up. If it is a 6 hour flight or longer take the medication and let the flight attendant know your situation and they will hep you out with whatever they can. Try to get an aisle or window seat just in case a window seat for a day flight so you can look out, or an aisle to get to the lavatory.
The best character in "Winnie the Pooh"???
Eeyore. That was my nickname in college, because I had a tendency to say, "Thanks for noticing me."
Boyfriend's difficult family?
My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year, and are very serious about each other. However, I have never met his mother or step-father due to the verbal and physical abuse (respectively) he suffered from them as a child (he's 20 now). He is still hurt and has some anger towards them. Recently, his step-father's brother started contacting me, the girlfriend, via Facebook. My boyfriend is very frustrated that I respond to his messages and wall-posts. Also, the step-father's brother, Bruce, wrote on my wall telling me that he talked to my boyfriend's mother (implying that it was a phone call he wanted to tell me about). Bruce is really pushing for a reconcile between my boyfriend and his mother and step-father... How should I handle this? I have a great relationship with my mom and step-father, so of course I want my boyfriend to have the same with his. Do I push him to forgive and try a fresh start with them? Do I form a relationship with them by myself? Do I cut off all ties with that part of his family?
Anyone know about kidney and/or gall stones please?
i started having pains in my lower back and whole pelvic region 3 weeks ago, but was diagnosed with a cervical infection (had a lletz to remove cinn 2 and 3 in may) and given antibiotics. It calmed down a bit, but in recent days, the pains have recurred. Now they come in waves, maybeye 2 or three times a day, or night. They extend from behind my ribs, right through to my lower back, ocks,and then, right down my legs, especially the right leg. i can feel the pressure in my lower back all the time,and it all feels really tender. but the pain comes and goes. I am starting to feel a little nauseous today. the doc says it might be either kidney or gall stones,not an infection. she has ordered bloods and an ultrasound in a week or so. she tested my urine, but it was clear (literally, i pee clear water), and showed no problems. the pain and discomfort is worse at night when i lie still. i dont know if one side is worse than the other, it just really hurts when it comes on, for an hour or two. what are others experiences of either of these conditions please? does it sound likley?
Holden caulfield essay?
i am writing an essay of characterization on Holden and i need some ideas on what to write about him.
Should we put liquid granite in garage floor?
We are trying to make the garage clean and thinking to put liquid granite flooring. Doesn't anyone know if it is a good thing to do? would it make my garage part of home instead of dirty as part of outside? thanks!
You are developing interactive sites for clients, describe the details of the job description to the applicant?
Word of the Futuristic Frisbees site that you have created is spreading, and your business is growing! You’ve got more business than you can handle and though you can handle the coding and the SEO right now, you’ve decided that you need to hire someone to handle site maintenance issues for your growing client list. The first person to apply for the position seems to be a good candidate. ume that you are developing interactive sites for your clients and describe the details of the job description to the applicant.
Lease a Toyota Sienna with free maintenance?
Looking to lease a Toyota Sienna minivan... has anyone successfully negotiated free maintenance with the lease?
What Movie is This? Please HELPPPPPP?
I watched a movie awhile back, There was a fireman and he had a son, the dad ended up dying in a fire and the little boy had his picture taken at the scene i think holding his dads hat and it made papers. Then the boy grows up and is a fireman and is determined to fight fire no matter what the risk is. He endangers hisself so many times just to try to prove he can. I didn't catch the ending but i think that the little boy that grew up to be a fireman is played by a really young patrick swayze. Please if anyone can identify this movie I would appreciate it sooooooooo much! Thank you
Should I leave him alone and get on with my life?
I had been with my b/f for almost a year and 4 mnths ago he moved in, I am 34 and he is 39 and we both have 2 children. We started bickering nothing serious and one day out of anger I told him to leave, I said afterwards I am sorry. We got on so well and he said that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me etc and had even thought about proposing. He then lost his job and we had a row one night while we were out and when I came home he had packed his stuff and gone to his parents which is 1 1/2 hours drive away. When I spoke with him the next day he said that he was not coming back but he wants a future with me but where he is. Since then he has visited me at the weekend but made comments about we would of had a nicer day had we been where he lives, which hurt my feelings. I was prepared to up and leave and move to where he is but he wasn't really giving me any urance and had been quite cold towards me. I told him my feelings and he ended it. I love him so much.
I need help buying a digital camera?
I have the polaroid model: CTS-01035S. It sounds like this is what you need. It can take still pictures, video, and audio. To me i think this would be what you would want. I love mine! At Target it was around 120$... So yes i would recomend this camrea!
I need cheap new single bed with mattress?
i am desparatly trying to find a single bed for my two year old, and only have a budget of 50 quid, 60 quid max, ive tried charity shops but they were manky, does anyone know of a cheap bed store,who can deliver? please help ive searched loads, and they are well out of my price range
What about them Vols now?
I am a student at LSU and I heard the Tennessee fans talking about how they should be ranked third or second. Then they were saying how they should get a BCS bid based on their bowl history.
I have an old state of louisiana confederate bill and i want to know how much it is worth today?
You need to have it evaluated by a Legitimate Collector of "Civil War Memorabilia" I have seen over the last 5 years prices all the way from $50.00 to $1000.00. I also have a Confederate Bill which has been priced at between $200.00 and $250.00
For artists: what are the colors you simply cannot do without?
for me: Ultramarine blue, Cadmium Red and Cad Yellow, Burnt Umber, Raw umber, Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, Sap Green, Yellow Ochre
Why didn't Obama go to congress for permission to go to war in Libya as clearly stated in the Constitution?
Obama is clearly a scholar of the Constitution of the United States, now you need to be the same to answer your own question. He is doing the right thing. We are peace keepers, we offer our humanitarian services to the world. I think someone needs to read the way this country works and not only when it suits them.
I did not go to the Thanksgiving dinner, what should I do?
Maida, you must go to Schlegel's shop to let him know you cannot finish paying for the dress today. But know he is a kind hearted soul and he may surprise you.
34 weeks pregnant very low iron?
I'm 34 weeks pregnant and my iron levels have been low the entire pregnancy. I took iron pills & ate foods loaded with iron and nothing helps. I had gastric byp surgery in 2001 which is why my body just doesn't absorb it like other people. Well, since becoming pregnant it has gotten very very low. I was given IV iron for weeks 26-30. It helped a little, but not very much at all. I am starting to get the rapid heart beat & having a lot of trouble breathing, which I was just told could be my iron getting low again. It actually hurts in my chest. What are the affects of low iron to myself? I know the baby will just take everything he needs, so he will be fine. But how can it affect ME? Would my doc induce because of it?
Offended by church fundraising...should we stay or go?
Our pastor seems to be obsessed with growing a megachurch. Our once-sweet, intimate, worship services are turning into flashy, 4-screened, shallow shows. Now the pastor wants to build a brand new million dollar worship arena, and has hired a professional fundraiser to manipulate people into giving. It is so disappointing. We are not donating one penny. But this is the church we joined with the intention of raising our children in and serving & worshipping in for generations to come. Should we stay or should we move on? If we do leave, what example are we setting for our kids? I mean, we never intended to become church-hoppers... Has anyone else out there dealt with this???
Birth Control Patch Question!?
I started on the Ortho-Evra patch on May 1st, which was supposed to be the 1st day of my period. I took the patch off after less than 24 hrs due to an allergic reaction. I did not start any other type of bc. I started my period on May 11th. It was normal. I was supposed to start my period on about the 8th of this month. As of the 13th, no period. I had some spotting about a week or so ago, which was bright pink, and NOTHING like normal menstration. I have been having weird little twinges in my lower abdomen and I have been having to pee like crazy...I mean when I have to go, I HAVE to go...RIGHT then...I even sort of wet myself today... :( Yes, I'm ually active. Yes, I'm going to go get a pregnancy test ASAP. No, I'm not patient. ;)
What are your thoughts on michael jacksons and farrah fawsetts death?
my personal thoughts are that i know exactly what their kids are going through right now. my mother just died at 62 (like farrah) and died of cardiac arrest (like michael) its all hitting too close to home for me.
What song is the name of this Hayley Westenra song?
It's called Wiegenlied, and although it's sometimes attributed to Mozart ('Schlafe, mein Prinzchen' - 'Sleep, my little prince'), it is actually composed by J. Bernard Flies, an amateur composer born about 1770. Sadly, this song can only be obtained by buying the Japanese version of Hayley's album "Odyssey".
What is your view on this?
Your comment is unclear - the cat killing is horrible? Or giving �1000 reward? The story is about the reward, so I can only ume you disagree with the reward. Personally I think it's fair.
Should it be easy to play music on my PC encoded with DTS multichannel?
You are SOL i think. VLC is better than both of those anyway. Just be sure you select "encoded output" on VLC or you'll just get stereo.
Hedge hog info?
Here's a good one: a href="http://www.petinfopackets.com/hedgehogs/hedgehoginfopacket.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.petinfopackets.com/hedgehogs/…/a
Why does my generation hate good music?
Were most the people born allergic to good music and talented singers? Do they have some sort of disease where they are attracted to sucky computer generated music? Does this mean they are going to die young? Because they should all die.
Favortism... How has it impacted your life? What is your Stance?
No Boos from the Asker here... Favortism has affected my life in many ways and I have seen shades of it here on the board, so obviously this is an epidemic... I want to know how you all deal with it, and how you think it affects the targets of it... any other comments as well.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
MI Law Regarding First Responder Vehicle Lighting?
On an off duty vehicle it would likely be illegal to run any color strobe...in some states volunteer fire fighters can have blue strobes. Your best bet is to carry flares...or a tripod flood light (a shop light that runs off your cars battery).
Does anyone have any great dinner ideas for a picky eater?
Well if you want some quick, I do this for my picky kids and husband, I buy the already made cheese pizzas. They are small enough for one person to eat. Then I buy different toppings that they can add to the pizza, such as pepperoni, olives, ham, bell pepper ect. Then we add extra mozzarella cheese on top of that. That way you can have it how you want it. Hope this helps.
Problems with plan b pill. kidney infections and missed period. with a negative preg. test.?
my girlfriend and i had and the condum broke. we used a plan b pill right after it happened. she had just gotten off her period when this happened. she used the pill and started her period the next morning. she then came down with a kidney infection and was on antibiotics and pain relievers for a week. with the combination of the plan b pill and the infection shes late for her cycle. i know that the pill throws off the cycle and so would a kidney infection. shes a couple weeks late now. we took an EPT digital test it was negative. could she be pregnant or just having a messed up cycle?
Can you please answer this! No one answers my questions! 500 kcal a day?
So ive been sticking to eating 1000 kcal a day and its not working as much as i want it to and its really aggrivating me. So how much will i lose in say 1 month if i eat 500 kcal only each day. Could i drop a dress size? I know all the health risks etc, so its pointless reciting them. Thanks xx
How can you tell if a horse has been in a rodeo?
I bought a 10 yr mare at an auction, she is a mean and spitful horse. I think she might have been used as a rodeo bronce witch wasn't mentioned of corse when they brought her out to show. I can't even brush her hindend or the tummy by the flanky without risking getting mule kicked, I was thinking she was abused as well. I can't even touch the top of her head without her trowing a fit. If there is anybody out there that can help me please do so.
Anyone ever invest in Iraq currency?
Has anyone ever invested in Iraqi currency or other low-value currency in hopes that their country would stabilize and the value would skyrocket?
Copyright / legal question about autobiographies?
Hi there. I'm thinking of writing a book on some things that happened while I was in high-school. I'll probably add a few fictional stuff in it, but most of it will be autobiographical. Which means, I'll mention real people in it. Provided that I change their names, am I legally allowed to do that? Or do I need their permission even with the names changed?
How do i respray my brand new stock front bumper bar for holden commodore vp executive?
i dont want to take it to a professional cost to much, after all its only a 1993 model, i would like to know what stuff do i need to buy for it, like undercoat, clear coat, paint and that kinda crap and advice how to respray it maybe from step 1 if possible. my car is metallic blue.
If the Pats' Super Bowl wins had been legitimate, would they be up for 'Team Of The Decade'?
Or do the Colts have a lock on that title with their record streak of 12 win seasons? Remember that consistency is the mark of true greatness.
Who pays for building churches?
In the New Testament, there were never structures built made with hands, because the people knew that the church is the body of Christ made without hands. They gathered in houses, or occasionally were permitted to use a synagogue; or when it was a large number, then they rented a facility. Why? Because the collection was exclusively for helping people in need, and for nothing else. The apostles worked themselves, just like everyone else. Why? So that they would not make themselves, nor the Gospel of Christ chargeable to any. The use of the collection money, to be used for building a structure made with hands came after the apostles fell on asleep, by the new overseers. It is apparent that compromise was begun after the apostles were gone, and has continued ever since.
What should I do about this?
I had hooked up with a coworker since I did feel a little attracted to him. We never actually had but we touched, caressed, and we would have dry . You know he would rub his private against mine. The thing is I've never been ual with or even kissed a guy. So maybe there is something wrong with me. Anyway back in November, I emailed him telling him that this FWB is over and that I would tell HR on him if he ever suggested hooking up. Since November, I've been ignoring him completely no hello nada. Since I was so mad and hurt. Last month he went out of the country, I was actually relieved that he was gone, but then he came back last week and I kept ignoring him until yesterday. Yesterday, I saw him in the kitchen and he said hello, you know like a mechanical/ break the ice hello and I smiled and said hello and that was it. I felt completely at ease. This morning, I ran into him and said hello and he didn't say anything. I emailed him saying that I was hoping we could be on speaking terms since yesterday I felt at ease with speaking to him. He ignored my email. He actually didn't bother to open it and looked at me like a freak. I personally confronted him and he was like fine. As the afternoon progressed, I did a lot of walking by ping his desk, but I didn't bother to talk to him since I was working. As I was walking back and he was leaving he gave me a somewhat dirty rude look. I personally thought that was rude and I sent him an email stating that I thought him looking at me funny was rude and that I was hurting these past few months and that I was hoping we could get along as coworkers. Then I sent him another email that it was best that we didn't talk and that he should leave me alone and let me do my job. How can I move past this and get out and get some friends and a boyfriend? All I do is work and go to school, but I feel if I were getting out with people. This would be easier to deal with.
Whats your stance on COUPLES THERAPY???
First off I am impress that you are so honest to yourself and that you recognized and admit there's a problem so that is a plus. This means there's hope. In answer to your question, Yes I think it's a wonderful idea to see couples therapy but I also think that you both need individual therapy in addition. I hear your willingness to change and I hope that he does even more than you do. Although I think it's very hard to change, with determination and hard work it's possible. I'm not saying that it's going to be easy for any of you. It is quite obvious that you both love each other and part of loving one another means willingness to change if there is a toxic issue that harms one another or your self. You both need to find a good therapist that you can have the right chemistry with...some one you both feel comfortable with and effective.The right one can help you change that and achieve your goal of getting better. I believe we all could used a good therapist in life. I've seen one and I think it helps you see a different out look and perspective on your life. You have courage and determination, give it a try and good luck.
Does anyone know about the ERISA or ERITHA law or act????
My fatehrs will was out of Wayne County (DetroiT), Michigan. I am trying to find out about contesting an insurance payout from a Federal Life Insurance company (OFEGLI). I am trying to get the policy paid to the estate since my father neglected to fill out thebeneficiary forms or what not. Do I need to go through Wayne County corts to try to stop payment until further investigation or is it a Superior Court matter. This is being disputed because the insurnce company wants to pay my half brothers equal parts when my fathers wishes were different. I am more concerned with the answer to which court I need to try to do this through than your opinion on whether or not you think I have a good case since I've already asked on thi\e matter of that. However any opinion is appreciated on any part. Thank you for your time!!
Hair loss after childbirth?
i have a 5 1/2 month old baby. about one month ago, my hair started falling out a lot. i'm sure it's pregnancy related. everytime i wash my hair, brush it, etc., it falls out. honestly, i've been trying not to mess with it too much lately! how long will this hair loss go on? will i go bald?
How to get 'focus' to mobile web control in mobile web form in ASP.Net?
Page.SetFocus() is all you need for ASP.NET. Note that the ability to set focus depends upon the capabilities of the mobile browser. A lot of basic mobile browsers won't support javascript so you may not be able to pull this off as consistenly as you would on a desktop browser.
Ladies, can you handle 12 inches or is 6 inches good enough?
and which kind is your favorite? i love subway sandwiches, the turkey or meatball ones are my favorite =) lol
Was Hitler ever given a formal diagnosis of a mental condition?
As far as I know Hitler was never examined by psychiatrist as he did not have a mental condition. He was just a politician who started out good and then became evil. It would have been a brave man or woman, to make a statement about Hitler's mental abilities, they would have been whisked off to some concentration camp or killed on the spot.
I have a 1994 ford ranger splash 4L v6. And my truck has a miss. can u help me?
when i am goin up hills in my truck it feels sluges.. when i press the gas all the way down the slugesness goes away for about 10 sec's. then the miss comes back. i sopost to be gettin about 19 to 20 miles to the gallon, when i am only getting 15. i have changed the coil pack, sparkplugs and wires. i have basically did all the lil things to it. no one can tell me what the problem is. i have had one guy to work on it and he fixed it. well a couple days later the missing comes back. he said he thought it had something to do with the airflow sencor. well the thing is i have already changed that out with a brand new one. didnt do a thing. i have also noticed that on the left side of the motor the middle spark plug is black when the others are not. i have a lil handheld comp. and all it told me was that it was runnin rich. i dont kno what the prob could be any more. can anyone help me
Should the parents file a lawsuit against the baseball bat makers?
first of all, why is it your concern in the first place? Second, take some responsibility it's a sport, it's a bat, and don't you know the difference between wood and aluminum? it's not like it was disguised as a weapon.
Space swimming pool molecular gravity strength question?
You would have to make a "hole" to the outside of the water.I think the water would be too unstable and the hole would collapse before you got a breath of air. (to the other answerers...he said it was in an air filled room...but good point...it would have to be heated)
1991 Chrysler new yorker fifth avenue turns off at stop signs?
I have a 1991 Chrysler new yorker fifth avenue and i've had plenty of trouble with it in the past. Recently there was an electrical problem not letting the car start at all. that got fixed but now when i was slowing down to a stop light the "check gauges" light came on and my oil level went down to the lowest point and the car turned off. i was able to turn it back on but it has happened more than once. any ideas?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Did American actress Lupe Velez visit & perform in England?
My great grandmother was supposed to be her makeup artist and was offered to go to America with her, but I would like to research dates etc.
With a Rapid inflation in Brazil causing the cruzeio to lose its ablity to function as money?
Which of these commodities do you think most likely will take place of the cruzeio in the Brazilian economy. Tractor parts, packs of cigarettes, loaves of bread, impressionist paintings are baseball trading cards
Can God worshipers and Non-believers band together?
We are all different in our believes. I do not see anyone on yahoo answers coming together in unity. I do believe that people should respect others and their believes, but I just don't think it is going to happen here. Most people think that they are going to convert ones religion to their believe and then they get a rude awakening lol. I am actually thinking about going back to myspace and facebook. All I see here is rude people.
So when ARE you Packers fans gonna go out and buy Rodgers a card apologizing for being such A holes to him?
Favre said "On second thought, I do wanna play. Tell this guy who has been patiently waiting for his shot that and has practiced all offseason to prepare for that he's gonna have to sit back down for another year. Or two. You know, depending on my mood." And the Packers said "Not this time Brett". And Rodgers handled the whole thing with cl, worked hard and focused on helping you guys win. And what did you do? You treated him like crap, because he just happened to be the guy sitting behind a guy who you all now hate. Has it occured to you guys yet that you owe him a huge apology?
Is it true in Israel that there's hotlines where you can "snitch" on Jewish girls who are seen with Arab boys?
This can only happen in Israel the only "democracy" in the ME my friend, and not in any other normal country in the world. A * for you
Help please?!?... :(?
You could try amazon or google it. There are lots of ebook sites out there. I have an amazon kindle. One of the best purchases I ever made. Books you order go straight to your kindle anywhere anytime. They have a lot of free books as well. Wish I could've been of more help.
Sprint Hotspot Overdrive keeps shutting off even though it has a full battery?
Every now and then my Sprint Hotspot Overdrive keeps shutting down with the message: "Battery critical. Recharge immediately." but it has 100% battery life. Any ideas?
What's the best DJ software?
I just want to know what's the best dj software for windows 7 (64 bit) , I don't care if it's too expensive,
College cost/tuition question - Help!?
Hey all - I'm a freshman at the University of Southern Maine, and plan on transferring somewhere out west, probably in Colorado area, within the next 1-2 years. My questions is - I'm going to be broke and doing most of this by myself. I'm trying to save up money and do well this year to prepare, but I'm wondering how to save myself the most money wherever I get into. The biggest question is how much cheaper is it going to be for me to live in apartment as opposed to the dorms? I'm just confused about what the tuition actually is I guess, and how much of it is room, board, and food and housing, and how much the actual cles are, because I want to have my own apartment. If I wanted to go to a halfway decent school, for example the UC at Boulder or University of Denver, how much would just the cles and education cost me, not including housing or food, etc, as I'd have my own place? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I KNOW how to stop the gulf oil spill?
Afraid of being alone or not happy forever. how do i get over it?
ive had a really tough year with 2 HUGE breakups back to back. one was a 4 yr relationship and the other got serious wayyy to quickly. im also going thru a tough time financially, academically, and any other way probably. how do i get back on the right track to happiness and finding love again. im petrified of being alone. im away at school but most of my friends graduated or will be and then going back home. i dont want to go back home at all bc i started a new life when i came to school and did have a plan in front of me with the girl i was going to marry and a lot of friends. but now my life has flipped upside down and ive been really freaked out for a while now. any advice or ways to get my life back?
Avira vs avast!: how do they compare?
Avast continues to "knock em dead" when it comes to detecting everything from viruses and trojans to adware/spyware/malware. It seems to use very few system resources. It was recently rated a 9 out of a possible 10 in Maximum PC.
How to have a CRAZY night out anyone?!?
Drinking games like questions, *** hole, BS all while having a question master which is someone that is appointed to ask question to anybody during any time and if answered that person has to take a shot. This game gets pretty crazy when playing drinking games. You will be so messed up, then me and my girls usually hit the club up. We are usually so drunk, we only remember bits and pieces until we all get together the next day and put our thoughts together to piece out the rest of that night.
Is there a way to buy a round trip ticket and get on at different airports in flordia?
hey wanted to know if anyone knows cause my wife ask me if it is possible to buy a round trip airfare for example to make my question bit easier to understand like you going to Miami and when you leave you get on at orlando. confused i was when she asked me. the only way i knew we could do that is buy to one ways one to Miami and one set back to newark. so if anyone knows if it is possible to buy round trip ticket adn instead of departing from the Miami airport you can depart from orlando.
Which vehicle is more reliable, and has best performance?
Edmund's.com is a great site to help you to decide it is a consumer review site. Here are the links to all four cars at this site.
How can i consolidate my IMAP accounts into the main inbox in outlook?
i have several email accounts using IMAP in microsoft outlook. however, they all create their own inboxes and it won't let me move them. i want to be able to view everything together in the main inbox. is this possible?
POLL: What turns you on?
I'm biual as well, but only my fiance turns me on. What he does though is the key! We play "games" and role play a bit. The is always fun, too. I think our best turn on is when he chokes me... :P
Am i looking after my rabbits correctly?
there is always a possibility that one of them is really a boy, but if they are only 4 months prolly not.... more than likely the one is just getting fat, which is perfectly fine for bunnies
P90x lean version or Ten minute tranier?
Go with p90x lean you will achieve the best results. i used it myself and i love it. if your going to do p90x keep taking multivitamins and get some recovery for the workout. Im a coach on beachbody so if you need any help at all. just let me know.
For a 1098-T, what do you do if the amount in box 5 is different than the total amount for financial aid?
You use the number in the box because the break is not on the full amount. The more awards you get the less you get as a tax break. If you received mostly scholarships and grants then you will have close to zero in the box.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Does anyone know the answer to this riddle?
Lice does seem to work--you search your body for lice, and what you find and catch, you take off your body, leaving it behind, while the lice you don't catch stay and you bring them with you.
When do I get my baby sugar glider out of the cage?
I saw it with open eyes inside the little sugar glider nest. I'm buying a new cage for it so that I can separate the babies from the parents. They've had they're eyes open for a few days or maybe a week.
Why do Indian fans gang up on supporters of other teams?
It's completely ridiculous how Indian fans thumbs down dissenting opinions into oblivion.It's completely ok for them to rant about Sachin Tendulkar's greatness or how Harbajan is the best spinner in the world.Not only this but Indian fans repeatedly use abusive language for players of other teams.I don't know why the indian supporters are so overconfident and rude at the same time.
How does a work?
I am fwb with this good friend of mine and we were at the park a few days ago and she wanted a ....I don't know how I'm supposed to do it r. Anyone know how I do this properly?
Creepy candy?
I'm looking to buy really scary/creepy/morbid looking candy. But the closest I can find are only lame things like lolly pops with bugs in it. Is there anything that looks realistic and creepy while still being yummy?
Curtailing my Angry Baby Girl?
My five month old is one feisty little cuddle cake. She has a temper and violent streak just as bad as mama. Don't get the wrong idea...I HAVE NEVER been violent with her or around her or since she came in my tummy. She pitches a fit when feeding time is over, or whenever we are clipping her into anything (IE: bouncers, swing, car-seat) and especially when the toy she wants is out of reach. She shoves my face away when she is mad and will kick at me. If I don"t spoon-feed her fast enough she gets really upset and will kick and scream. Is she too young to be having these kind of tantrums? I know ask my pediatrician, but is this normal?-Her daddy says she has me wrapped around her finger, which is true...I adore her! But I am worried she is developing bad habits...and how could I curtail this mini anger management case?
What are some good xbox 360 racing games?
I want to buy a racing game but not sure what. some that i was thinking about are Faza 3, need for speed most wanted (heard its still a clic and the best of the nfs's), midnight club l.a., or burnout. what do you all think, i do like drag racing and muscle cars and decent realism. (i remember playing some nfs on ps2 and drag racing was fun cuz u had to shift just at the perfect time i dont remember what one it was or if nfs most wanted has that option on 360, does anyone know if nfs mw has that?) whats yall's opinion? thank you
What does a black erfly inside symbolize?
I've always wondered why therapists agree we have to come to our own breakthroughs and that they should simply be the guides. I'd like to know what others thought when this stood out in their minds. If you saw a black erfly inside and a child, rather fascinated with it, what would you take it to mean?
Why does thi keep happening?!?
Time of the month, hot days, cold days, what you ate 2 days before, tons of reasons for the flux in weight. If you skip a meal, your bod will hold onto food. Kepp eating small healthy portions 3 - 5 times a day, 20 min's on tred or bike and you will be great! It's very common to flux 5 pounds up or down from day to day
I need held with 2 girls please?
My 8th and 9th grade life has been one strange 2 year life. and once again i need some experienced people to tell me what the hell is going on. ok so this girl i talked about in a previous question who i have like for like 3 years now and who did something pretty messed up to me but im not retelling that story again and plus that was awhile ago so forget it. anyway i like these 2 girls the one I've liked for 3 years knows i like her and even though ive been rejected like 3 times she has continued to flirt with me throughout my entire life. and all of the sudden she like got more serious. before she would bump into me, playfully punch me and stuff but now its her saying "you look nice today" or "I like the way you look" and she start conversations more often and i hate this part but whenever she asks me to do something I turn into a different person and will do whatever she asks. I always tell myself i'm not gonna tell her not now or whatever but as soon as she asks i forget everything and just do it. and she was acting pretty jealous when she found out i liked the other girl. then my friend who we knew she liked he asks her out and she says no at the same time is flirting with me still. She'll do little things like give me a hug always want to give me a high five stuff like that and it keeps winning me over. I really don't wanna say i'm in love with her. I mean I'm not even sure what love feels like i'm only 15 its just something about her. anyway on to the other girl. When i first met her i thought she was cute but didnt think much of it all my buddies were all over her i say back and kept staring at the 1st girl all day. Somewhere along the way i developed some feelings for her. and if u read my previous question u know she knows it or knew it because she is probably unsure by now. i talk to her on occasion. and like the 1st girl i talked about she goes out of her way to do things most people don't do. Every single time we p eachother in the hall way she gives a giant smile and says hi. Her ex boyfriend who now seems to be her best friend now will say sup when he walks by too and me and him have kinda become friends we dont talk about her but more stuff like video games and music. On valentine's day she did something weird she walked up to me and says hi as usual and as usual i say whats goin on and she goes well....and pauses shakes her head like she was mad i guess and goes nevermind and walks away this was definatly the thing that made my feelings for her get serious. So now 2 girls that i cant go 5 minutes without thinking about both might like me they both have reasons that would make me think they dont and reasons i think they do. so my question to you is. do they like me? which one should i go for? what do i say? i just need advice like that...thanks
Video Filming Production and After-Production?
Well, Im a bit confused on how the process is of filming since I've never took any real cles just studied and edited video. The Different cuts, do they have 2 different cameras all shoot at the same time, or different times?And how can I make up for two cameras at a time with one camera? Do I shoot it twice, but it might be an akward cut espicially with the audio? How do I fix this? And flying camera effect that I've seen in movies, is that with a suspended steel cable connecting with the camera, and how do I do that with a normal tripod without it shaking? Is there a makeshift method? Thanks in advance, If there is any more advice or tips you can spare it'd be glady appreciated
I'm more confused now about who God is than when I was initially liberated from Egypt. Why!?
God already knows you. You are one of God's children. Forget about religious dogma for the time being and actively try to live as God would have you live. Just about every single religion says that the essence of God is love, so the more love (not ual lust) that you show to others, the more love that you readily accept from others, the closer you will be to God. Meditate and pray that you will do God's will. You will then know more about God.
Why does OBAMA retaliate against Hilary Clinton?
My thoughts exactly. He should ignore her accusations and take the high road. I think Obama should show that he has the capacity to stay focused on the issues and leave emotions and all that negative stuff out of the campaign. The Clinton camp is deliberately trying to bait him because they believe a lot of women in particular won't support Obama if it looks as if he's beating up on a woman, Hillary. On the other hand, she continues to agitate him and she can get away with it with some people. I liked Hillary more before Bill got so actively involved. Now, Hillary's people keep using that tired line about Bill Clinton being thought of as the first "black president" by the black community. The joke is being taken out of proportion and it now sounds arrogant and almost insulting. At this point, I fear that a lot of people are not even sure what each candidate stands for. All they remember are the squabbles.
How do I make a 3D model of the Washington monument?
get a piece of white styrofoam and cut it to approximate shape with a serrated knife. cut the pyramid at the top. make the sloping sides by sanding. paint with white latex paint with just a hint of gray swirled in, pressing into the wet paint with something like the edge of a credit card to make the blocks of marble
Financial Aid help about Work-study?
If you filed a 2008 Federal Tax return and included your Federal Work Study earnings for 2008 as part of your income or part of your earnings that you are including on the FAFSA are from Federal Work Study, then you need to list the earnings in this question of the FAFSA. The reason that you are asked this question is so that when your FAFSA is processed the calculation does not include your Federal Work Study earnings. You use the value from box 1 of your 2008 W-2 form that you received from the school.
Do you think that Indian politicians are true to their voters?
India is a democratic country and the largest democracy. Politicians gets elected to the Parliment (Lok Shabha or Rajya Sabha) as an MP from their respective states under a banner of a party. They come to the doorstep of the voters for getting the votes from the consituency they are contesting. After they win the election (majority of the MP"s), they forget the values, ethics, morals and do not do anything to the people and do not listen to the common-man's misery. We the public belive in them and cast our valuable votes in favour of them and end up as sufferers.
Does anyone else think Puck (from glee<3333) is GORGEOUS?
Puck is HOT and Finn is HOT. If I had to chose one, I'd chose Finn, I'm more attracted to the good boy. Puck is really nice looking, but he's kind of not my type.
Free children book programs?
none that i know of that are nationwide. But you can go to the library in your town and they may have something like that. Plus most librarys are free to take out books especially in the summer. You can also go though a local preschool or daycare. There are tons of options ou just have to dig to find them. Good luck its great when little kids read
What kind of Chimney Liner do I really need?
"tickator" is right. Go with the guy that told you to use the same size liner. The other guy is just trying to sell you something you don't need and trying to make his job easier in the process (the 5" will drop down the chimney easier). As for your old one working fine, i would only say, steel rusts (even stainless 'rots') and you do not want a liner leaking carbon monoxide into your home. Play it safe, and replace it.
On my w-2 my exemptions/allowences are 2. I am single with no kids.?
Should it be different? I now owe (thank god only) $27 but if I change it (and should I change it?) how much more money is taken out of my checks?
Could you correct my polish please? One sentence to a friend?
Strasznie dawno! Ale przyjeżdżam do Polski za tydzień. Bardzo dziwnie będę się czuł, jadąc bez braci :P Musimy się spotkać!
This guy from my former company is courting me abd oftentimes ring me.i can see how really determined he is to
be my boyfriend.he is serious i can sense that but it's not yet the right time because i haven't felt something special yet though i care for him because he love me,i really appreciate.but the thing is he is really in a hurry to know my answer towards his application to be my boyfriend.it's really complicating because he has a kid already.he is seperated but not married.in the office we don't talk that much but he stares at me alot and i can feel that he do like me but not minding it cuz i am busy with my work.when i leave the company that's the time he pursue me cuz he misses me alot.my point here is i want him to be just by myside supporting me and continue pursuing me without pushing me that hard to answer yes now cuz i believe it should be natural i am not in a hurry though im in the right age cuz commitment for me is something you have to be responsbile of with things.we have different perspectives in life when it comes to that.he is always on the negativwe side that i wont feel
Will the Cowboys finish 8-8 and short of playoffs?
Tony Romo has a proven track record of choking in December and January. I wouldn't totally rule out your scenario.
What start-up processes are safe to disable? 10 POINTS!?
Digital Line Detection can be disabled (unless you actually use your telephone modem). Ulead can be disabled. ECenter can be disabled. dsactivate can be disabled. Cyberlink can be disabled (it's not necessary at all). The install shields you can disable. The rest you should keep.
I took my birth control like 12 hrs early , read the detail to know why xD?
Lol okay funny thing , i fell asleep and woke up at 7:30 pm but i thought it was 7:30 am so i got dressed for school and put on my make up and did my hair and took my broth control and vitamins i have to take , i don't think this will do anything to me , but thought id ask :)
Why are some of the elements on the periodic table despised so much?
OMG! It's just so racist to badmouth Tellurium. Despicable at the very least. People can be so heartless.
Just wasn't my mth.. Why am I taking it so hard?
Well this was my husband and I first mth ttc and today AF came... From the First day of my last period I tried to do everything right by not smoking, drinking and started my vitamins. I tracked my OV we did it when it was time and yet this month did not work out for us.. It was soooo devastating and heart breaking when AF came today I can't stop crying =( .. My husband keeps being positive and saying we will keep trying but the waiting and trying kills me... I just wanted to know how you guys deal with disappointment and stay positive will ttc? (just need some words of encouragement)
Question help please!!!!?
okk i have the EnV2 phone and i was wonderin how can you save pictures off of myspace to your EnV2 phone????
Whats the best way to make a copy of a key you can't take to a locksmith?
Its basically a work key. A Schlage Primus DA4-37 key that I need a copy of in case I lose it. Any ideas? Maybe some James Bond Styrofoam that I could imprint it and then make a mold? haha. jk. But seriously any ideas? I'm open here. Thank you.
Name help???
I like Rylan Paige, Janae Sophia, Alaina Jade and Audrina Elise the best. All of them are pretty and different. Congrats and good luck.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Which is the cheaper method of birth control: vasectomy or abortion?
A vasectomy would be more financially sound and has the added benefit of preventing you from reproducing.
Hai, i want to take M.Tech Admission in without GATE its possible pls suggest me ?
my qualification is M.Sc(computer Technology) and i am working as Lecturer in Computer Science i am very much interested for M.Tech if anybody knows please send me your advise ?
Is unregulated capitalism murdering the USA?
We are witnessing the end result of unregulated capitalism. Those at the top suck the wealth of the nation up the chimney leaving the rest gasping for air. They think they are wildly successful, but they are murdering their country. Those at the bottom march in the streets with their tea bags, decrying socialism and cutting their own throats.
What do you think of when you hear of New Mexico?
Did you know that it's one of the 50 states, and not actually part of Mexico? I know a lot of friends from back east that are surprised to hear that, lol. Being from N.M., I'm just wondering what other people's impressions of this state are. I've heard people think that we mostly live in teepees and huts, that we only speak spanish, that there are only a few caucasian people here, that the entire state is one big desert filled with cactus and weeds, and that you might find ONE McDonald's or Wal-Mart in the whole state. These are all really really wrong, and I don't blame anyone for thinking that, but what do you think? What's your impression of N.M. and some of it's cities (i.e. Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Las Cruces)?
Do you think that Christians exhibit a behavior of demonic possession more so than non-religious types?
Seriously, they're like Frankenstein clones running around trying to turn everyone into zombies like themselves, they all say the same things, and they're malevolent.
Why did the South kill so many innocent Union Soldiers in the Civil War (Gettysburg)?
I agree with you that a visit to Gettysberg is overwhelming and every American should visit it. Up until that time virtually all the battles were on southern soil and they might ask you the same question, especially in regard to Sherman's trek to the sea. The victors write the history books. If you take the time to study the southern perspective, you will find the same courage, commitment, and integrity shown by the north. The institution of slavery was a vile practice that had to stop, but you cannot deny the southern soldier his valor anymore than you could defame his northen adversary for the evils of child labor. It is a very sad time in our history and for every Andersonville there is a Camp Douglas. They were ALL Americans and we should mourn them all.
What are your opinions on embryonic stem cell research?
Morally, no. . but I can tell you I would be very tempted if one of my family members had a spinal injury/brain injury. . . .the beauty of stem cells is that they are not yet igned a purpose, so they can become anything. Then you get into the "life for a life" balance and you'd have to ign different values for different types of lives. . . does a fully formed human have more of a right to "quality" life than an embryo? I am not qualified to answer that.
Should Wins, Losses, Holds and Saves...?
Yeah, I actually think that's a good rule. If a guy were to pitch 8 innings and allow 0 runs, but still be in a tied game, then a reliever comes in and allows 5 runs, but the offense starts producing, I think the starting pitcher should get the win.
Is it really fattening to eat quavers and mini cheddars for my dinner?
usually i have cereal for lunch and a sandwich of pitta or wrap for tea, but 2day i had a bag of quavers and mini cheddars for lunch instead of a proper lunch is that really fattening?? im 56/57kg and 5 ft 6.5 is that an ok weight??
My pop access has stopped. I found a notice that Yahoo was going to need to shut down some access to email?
for some users overnight until 6PST in the U.S. two days ago. But before I discovered the notice I mistakenly thought that my pword had been invalidated so I changed the pword. Now I can once again access my email on line but not through POP. I have had uninterrupted POP access (using Eudora) for years and I have Yahoo Plus. What can I do to restore the service? My entire operation is geared toward POP access and down and up loading everything instead of working on line. Help is most appreciated.
Research on Music censorship? any ideas?
Im igned to write a 7 page research paper on music censorship. my argument is again censoring music. I just don't think i have 7 pages worth of stuff to write, and to be honest, writing essays and papers are the hardest things for me to do! Do you have any ideas of what to write about? Anything helps(:
Does lymphatic drainage facial help with bumps?
I started developing bumps on my right cheek after an allergic reaction. I have tried putting acne cream and hydrocortisone cream but nothing seam to help until I started my first acne/cleansing facial. I am returning for a lymphatic drainage facial but just wondering if this will help reduce the bumps and dryness? I am tired of seeing bumps on my face, please give suggestion, especially if you are an esthetician or works at a dermatology office. Thanks.
See i will tell you in a simple word which the doctor could not understood i so many visits that i had Jaundic?
i can understand your frustration at not getting a diagnosis but i am sure we are not qualified to give you one either. a good diagnosis needs a physical examination, many tests and a trained doctor!!~!
Should I join the Navy for this REASONS? I feel like this is not the life for me anymore.?
I honestly think you shouldn't join the navy, Although it sounds like fun from the outside, it is very different actually bein in there... Its more than submarines and helicopters its even a job it's a lifestyle and you would need to have totally commitmet, you will have to leave your friends and family for months at a time, and although being in the navy will teach you discipline, it has nothing to do with being a detective or a member of a SWAT teams those are jobs. I don't think you are doing it for the right reasons, if your life is so boring play sports or get a hobby.. Maybe even go to amusement parks if you must have adrenaline, but the navy or any military is not the key.I don't know much about the navy, but I do know the army and I'm sure some of the samethings apply
Who can i ask for help?
I live with my mum. Two days ago me and my fiance paid her rent for next month. Yesterday she threw my fiance out with no reason while I was at work and refused to give his rent back. We have no written rent agreement with her. She won't let me back into the house when I need to and yesterday installed a chain across the door so my key is useless. I'm so miserable and I don't know who to ring up for help and advice on where to go. I have two dogs. Me and my fgiance gave up our house In norfolk to move to devon with her because she needs an op and says she will need help so we moved in with her.
Guys, do you think Kendra Wilkinson is hot?
a href="http://images.google.com/images?client=safari&rls=en&q=kendra%20wilinson%20pictures&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi" rel="nofollow"http://images.google.com/images?client=s…/a
What does it mean to be Penalised by a devorce judge regarding money to be paid out if you touch it before.?
if there is money that has to be shared out between a couple, and one of the couple spend some of it, the judge could Penalise them, what does this mean and what will happen. Please can someone advise with a sensable question, this is a very serious matter. thank you so much
Good t.v Shows to watch?
I like teenage drama like gossip girl, true blood, the hills, o.c, one tree hill, gilmore gils ect. . . . . . know of any good t.v shows like that?
My Favourite Babyy Names :] Feedback needed!?
Well, I read the Twilight books, seen the first movie, and I absolutely hate it now, but I won't bag on your choice of names. From the girls my favorite is Isabella Marie, and Alice Mary. From the boys, I like Landon Mitchell, and Mason Riley. You have good taste :]
What is an easy pet to care for?
An easy pet to care for would be a few fish in fish tank as long as you feed them every day thats all you'll need to do...... or even perhaps a cat because they are very independant animals and only need you to give them food and water and change their liter box.......or even a bird, just change their water and food every other day and once in a while clean out the bottom of their cage and you're set to go!!
Well harsh, would you have done the same though?
well my mom threatened toy throw away my soft toy cos i misbehaved and also back talked her saying she wouldn't do it and and id just get it back when she wasn't around, she said she'd 'make sure' it got to the garbage men for real to teach me, i was like yeah what eva, well this is what happened this morning, she asked me to come down stairs and watch, as she wanted to prove to me the toy was really going in the garbage, she then cut him in half! and put in a black trash bag, then to my horror she emptied the contents of my baby brothers gross dirty diaper pail into the same bag! all in front of me then told me to carry the bag with the stinky diapers and my now poor broken and diaper soiled toy toy the curb as she supervised, i tried to protest but she simply said its all only trash and it going to the same garbage truck so it doesn't matter! i cant believe she also made me carry my own toy toy the curb for garbage day!
Alternator.. Car audio.. Please Read.?
Sounds like your alternator may be toast. You will need a new before fixing any of the other problems with your system. A cap can help reduce the workload of the alternator by supplying the amp with the power needed without coming from the alternator.
GUYS: Why would he sleep with another girl if he likes me?
Why are you upset!? You and him have not established any commitment with each other! You're not giving him any , so, of course he went elsewhere for some! Duh!
Diffusion ? please help.?
why would water only diffuse through a membrane if there is a difference in the solute concentration on both sides of the membrane?
How do consevative feel about this?
With all the anti gay rhetoric spouted by the right wing, how do conservatives feel about Lynn Cheney (a prominent conservative in her own right, not just the V.P.s daughter), a proud , having a child?
How do i put the same motor in a car?
i have a r32 gtst skyline with a rb20det motor. i want to put another rb20det motor in with less kms. is this very hard to do? and how would i do it? do i use the ecu out of the car? or the one that comes with the new motor. or could i get a aftermarket ecu? cheer
My cat does this too. However, he does it for mainly 1 of 2 reason. He likes to be as high as he can (he even likes to be on the top of doors, with my help) and he LOVES warm places. TV, cable box, the chair we just got up front... whatever as long as its warm. Maybe this is what your roommate cat is doing.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
I live in a 98% catholic area, but am not catholic.Recently some locals began going from door to door collecting for a community project,but did not go to my door.A catholic neighbour asked what all they were fundraising for and was told that some of the money raised was going to the catholic church, not the local children's park which all the money was meant to be for.Most people who gave money were not told this.She was disgusted as there are others in the community whom are not catholic.However, why it was wrong not to inform people about this, most of the community is catholic.Do you think this was acceptable?And why/why not?
Is the spelling of the word "atheist", like the infinite nature of God, beyond the human mind's comprehension?
Not for those of us who understand what that little "Check Spelling" on at the top right of the text box is used for.
Compared to past elections, how important do you consider this one?
This is the most important election thus far in my life, and thus more important than all previous elections. No need to copy from history books.
Do we really need the tomboy category?
This "tomboy" trend is becoming increasingly popular in Asian cultures. What is your opinion on this? I believe last thing we need is another category based on looks. we're already overwhelming with the "butch, the fem, the emo, etc." Now lots of girls think dressing up like a boy is a cool so they start doing it. why can't people just be naturally butch? like naturally masculine (naturally as in on your own will kind of). if you go on youtube there's tons of videos of "tomboy stars" and fans going "that style is cute, i should try that too" since when was a tomboy a style? this is ridiculous. I wish people would stop categorizing them self.
Wall lights (UK), West-Midlands?
If by any chance you decide to keep your existing fittings you can now buy energy saving lamps to fit any light fitting and they look the same as the lamps that you use now i have seen these type of lamps in B&q and homebase
Is heaven or the afterlife real?
i've been clinically dea twice and revived.don't know what the hell your talking about! the first timeit was scary as hell, but there is no other side, the candle just goes out. the second timei knew whatwas happening, and was actually kinda relieved that my life was over, since it's just full of pain, suffering, and loneliness! kinda wish that sumbeetch never gave me cpr, just so i come back here to suffer for who knows how much longer.
Thanx for ur welcome my Question is how do i turn my on line status from appears of to on?
for some reason every since ive had 360 i havent been showing on line and it either ecsapes me or im dum or its broke
Gender studies men--does it make you feel manly to hold a turkey leg in your hand?
My boyfriend and I are having two people over on Thanksgiving and I want to get a turkey , since we really don't need any more than that. He wants to get a big turkey and cook it himself. He finally told me it's because he likes to hold a turkey leg in his hand, like a caveman or Fred Flintstone.
Help for an Xmas play???? Plz!!?
Okay, I am with my cuzins and sis who r all sorta young. We r all puting on an xmas play and we need ideas. Its not like all soft, it more rapper-ish, got it homie? lolz, well me and my sis are mrs. claus and santa and we do a dance to a rap song, and that's all we got! help appriciated! haha thx!
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