Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chris Jericho is overrated. Anyone else agree?

Before any of you say that I'm a hater, I'm actually not. I just find him overrated, especially by his fans. The WWE and his fans make Jericho out to be like he's some kind of threat and that he is just pure greatness, when in reality he's not. When was the last time Jericho even had a decent match with someone? I sure can't remember. People say Jericho is the best at what he does. Best at what? Losing? I honestly cannot see how people can be so crazy over him when he's not even as good as he used to be. If Jericho is so great why is he in the midcard, why did have the championship for a few weeks, and why hasn't he enteratined me and many other people since 2004?

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