Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is the difference between confidence,arrogance and self esteem?

If someone has low confidence what does it mean does it mean that they believe they can't carry out a certain task?.Can we be seen confident without being called arrogant,i really believe that arrogance is the new confident,let me explain:ok when we see someone who has been deemed as being confident what we see is someone who has tramped all over everyone to get to where they are,but surely this is what arrogance comes under;bringing people down,not listening to others views.Confidence i believe is when your believe in yourself that you can achieve something but to get to the top you need to tramp on alot of people just to achieve your goal in some circamstances for example social situations when someone will say something against you but it will be quite harshly said and when people view someone saying something nasty to you they think its confidence its wrong it isn't confidence its arrogance.Oww and what is self esteem in your own context is it how you see yourself?

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