Friday, December 16, 2011

Birth Control Patch Question!?

I started on the Ortho-Evra patch on May 1st, which was supposed to be the 1st day of my period. I took the patch off after less than 24 hrs due to an allergic reaction. I did not start any other type of bc. I started my period on May 11th. It was normal. I was supposed to start my period on about the 8th of this month. As of the 13th, no period. I had some spotting about a week or so ago, which was bright pink, and NOTHING like normal menstration. I have been having weird little twinges in my lower abdomen and I have been having to pee like crazy...I mean when I have to go, I HAVE to go...RIGHT then...I even sort of wet myself today... :( Yes, I'm ually active. Yes, I'm going to go get a pregnancy test ASAP. No, I'm not patient. ;)

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